SOAP Bible study is a method that involves Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It’s a way to delve deeper into the Bible and apply its teachings to one’s life. Let’s apply this method to our SOAP Bible Study: John 1:6-8.


There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness, to bear witness about the light, that all might believe through him. He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.” (John 1:6-8)


These verses introduce John the Baptist, emphasizing his divine commissioning; he was “sent from God.” His role is clearly defined: he is not the light himself but is to bear witness to the light. This “light” is a metaphor for Christ and His truth. John’s mission is crucial for setting the stage for Jesus’ ministry, aiming to prepare people to recognize and believe in Jesus when He begins His public ministry. It’s significant that John is distinguished from the light, underscoring his role as a witness whose purpose is to direct attention away from himself and toward Christ.


This passage challenges us to consider our own roles as witnesses to the light of Christ. Just as John the Baptist was called to prepare the way for Jesus by making Him known to others, we too are called to testify about Jesus in our daily lives. This involves both living in a way that reflects Christ’s love and truth and actively sharing the gospel with others. It prompts us to examine how well we are directing others towards Jesus rather than seeking attention for ourselves. Are we effective in making Jesus known in our communities and circles, or are we overshadowing the message with our own desires for recognition?

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Lord God, thank You for the example of John the Baptist, who humbly fulfilled his mission to bear witness to Jesus, the true Light. Help me to embrace my calling as a witness of Your Son. Grant me the humility to always point others to Jesus rather than myself. Strengthen my resolve to live a life that bears clear testimony to the power of Your love and truth. May my words and actions lead others to believe in Jesus, just as John did. Amen.

This study is just the beginning. Let it ignite a deeper desire within you to continue exploring the Scriptures. Each chapter and verse in the Gospel of John is rich with divine revelation waiting to be uncovered. I encourage you to keep studying, keep questioning, and keep seeking the light that Jesus offers. Dive deeper into the free Bible outlines available, engage with the full text, and allow God’s word to continuously transform your heart and mind. Embrace this journey of faith with enthusiasm and let the Word that was in the beginning guide you each step of the way.


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