SOAP Bible study is a method that involves Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It’s a way to delve deeper into the Bible and apply its teachings to one’s life. Let’s apply this method to our SOAP Bible Study: John 2:1-3.

Here’s a SOAP Bible study for John 2:1-3, which covers the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry with the miracle at the wedding in Cana:


On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, ‘They have no more wine.'” (John 2:1-3)


This passage sets the scene for Jesus’ first recorded miracle in the Gospel of John. A wedding is taking place in Cana, a significant social event in Jewish culture, where hospitality is highly valued. Jesus, His mother, and His disciples are present, indicating their integration into community life. The crisis of the wine running out would have been a major embarrassment for the hosts, reflecting poorly on their hospitality. Mary’s approach to Jesus highlights her awareness of His ability to address the problem, though at this point, His public ministry had not yet begun.

Dig Deeper:  SOAP Bible Study: John 3:22-26


These verses remind us that Jesus is present in the ordinary and significant events of our lives. His participation in the wedding shows that He values our celebrations and social interactions. When faced with a problem or crisis, like the shortage of wine, we are encouraged to bring our concerns to Jesus, just as Mary did. This passage teaches us about the importance of faith and trust in Jesus’ ability to provide, even in situations that might seem trivial or purely social. It also prompts us to consider how we can rely on Jesus in our daily lives and challenges, inviting Him into all aspects of our lives, both big and small.


Lord Jesus, thank You for being present in all aspects of our lives, from the mundane to the momentous. Help us to remember to turn to You with our needs and concerns, no matter how small or large they may seem. Strengthen our faith and trust in Your provision and timing. Teach us to see Your hand at work in our everyday lives, and help us to invite You into every situation we face. May we experience Your grace and power in all our celebrations and challenges. Amen.

Dig Deeper:  Book of Hebrews: Faith, Endurance, and the New Covenant

This study is just the beginning. Let it ignite a deeper desire within you to continue exploring the Scriptures. Each chapter and verse in the Gospel of John is rich with divine revelation waiting to be uncovered. I encourage you to keep studying, keep questioning, and keep seeking the light that Jesus offers. Dive deeper into the free Bible outlines available, engage with the full text, and allow God’s word to continuously transform your heart and mind. Embrace this journey of faith with enthusiasm and let the Word that was in the beginning guide you each step of the way.


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