SOAP Bible study is a method that involves Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. It’s a way to delve deeper into the Bible and apply its teachings to one’s life. Let’s apply this method to our SOAP Bible Study: John 4:39-42, which describes the impact of the Samaritan woman’s testimony and the belief of many Samaritans.


Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, ‘He told me everything I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans came to him, they urged him to stay with them, and he stayed two days. And because of his words many more became believers. They said to the woman, ‘We no longer believe just because of what you said; now we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this man really is the Savior of the world.’” (John 4:39-42)


In this passage, many Samaritans from the town believe in Jesus because of the testimony of the Samaritan woman, who shared her encounter with Him. The townspeople are so intrigued that they come to see Jesus for themselves and ask Him to stay with them. Jesus stays for two days, and during this time, many more Samaritans come to believe in Him because of His words. The townspeople express that their belief is no longer solely based on the woman’s testimony but on their own personal experience and understanding that Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world.

Dig Deeper:  SOAP Bible Study: John 4:27-30


This passage highlights the powerful impact of personal testimony in leading others to Christ. The Samaritan woman’s willingness to share her experience with Jesus sparks curiosity and interest among her community. This encourages us to share our own encounters with Jesus, trusting that our testimonies can open the door for others to seek and find Him. Additionally, the Samaritans’ progression from believing because of the woman’s testimony to believing because of their own experience underscores the importance of personal faith. We are reminded that while testimonies can lead others to Jesus, it is ultimately their own encounter with Him that solidifies their faith. We should encourage others to have their own personal relationship with Jesus and experience His power firsthand.


Lord Jesus, thank You for the powerful example of the Samaritan woman’s testimony and its impact on her community. Help us to boldly share our own experiences with You, trusting that our stories can lead others to seek and find You. We pray that those who hear our testimonies will be drawn to You and will come to know You personally. Strengthen our faith and deepen our relationship with You, so that we can confidently say we believe because we have heard and experienced Your truth for ourselves. Use us to bring others into a life-changing encounter with You, the Savior of the world. Amen.

Dig Deeper:  SOAP Bible Study: John 1:29-34

Let our SOAP Bible Study: John 4:39-42 be just the beginning. Let it ignite a deeper desire within you to continue exploring the Scriptures. Each chapter and verse in the Gospel of John is rich with divine revelation waiting to be uncovered. I encourage you to keep studying, keep questioning, and keep seeking the light that Jesus offers. Dive deeper into the free Bible outlines available, engage with the full text, and allow God’s word to continuously transform your heart and mind. Embrace this journey of faith with enthusiasm and let the Word that was in the beginning guide you each step of the way.


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